How to Master Instagram Direct App and Post Incredible Pics? Not all and sundry is totally conversant with the free photo app and how it can speedily change your middling selfies into stunning glamour shoots, despite the fact that Instagram Direct has been around for years and it is tremendously popular.
Sign up Instagram
The Instagram Direct App is solely created for mobile devices. Therefore, for you to register an Instagram account, you must download the Android or iPhone app. You can easily login through Facebook, once you download the application.
You can change your profile picture and also edit your information that includes a brief 150-character summary as well as the ability to link a website, after signing up. Although all Instagram accounts are public by default, but can be made public at will.
You will automatically be taken to your news feed that is filled with videos and photos from the people you already chose to follow on Instagram, each time you open and load Instagram.
Along the bottom of of Instagram Direct App is a menu bar that comes with five tabs – Profile, Activity, Camera, Search and Home.
This is the place where you can view your profile, edit your profile and also play with the SETTINGS located at upper right corner. You can privatize your account; follow your Facebook friends and lots more, with the SETTINGS.
Is like your notification center and a place where you can go to see photos that your followers might have liked on Instagram.
This is the place you will go to post your videos and photos and also edit them.
Is for locating people and ascertaining trending photos or other accounts you might like.
Home Tab
This is the tab that takes you to the news feed.
You can engage with others users on Instagram on there main ways. You can send direct message to them, you can press the chat symbol under their photos to leave a comment and tap on their photos twice to like them.
All you need to do is to go to the HOME tab and choose the mailbox symbol in located in the upper right-hand corner and then click on + sign to snap video and photo, in order to direct message to someone. You will be able to edit and send it to a follower from there.
Don’t forget the fact that you can also reply to comments and tag people in photos with tags. You can as well add and use hash-tags across Instagram, just like you can do on Twitter and Facebook.
Go to camera tab to click the video camera symbol to begin filming or tap the blue circle to take a photo, if you want to post a video or photo (15 seconds is the maximum length). For you upload the media, you can also click the camera roll thumbnail.
You will see three icons above the RECORDER BUTTON, while you are getting prepared to either snap or upload a photo. The very first icon prop up a grid for lining up the shot, the second icon enables the selfie mode, while the third icon turns on flash.
You will see a filter tray also pop up, in which you can apply an effect, once you proceed with a video or photo. Double click the effect to access a slider that will allow you decrease or increase the intensity of the filter.
You might as well become aware of another three icons on top of the filter tray. The very first icon brings up the filter tray. The second icon allows you fine-tune a special effect known as Lux, while the third expands all the adjusted controls for saturation, brightness, etc.
Click on the next button on the top-right of the Filter screen, after you are through with editing.
You will get to a screen that will allow you share your video or photo to either a direct follower or all your followers, upon clicking NEXT on the top-right of the Filter screen. It is also possible for you to add the media to a map, name a location and tag people.
Instagram Direct App also integrates Foursquare, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook, which means that you will be able to share all over most of the popular social networks with just a click. However, make sure that you click the blue share bar at the bottom as well.